LUCID DREAM SEX – Intimate Seduction – Brainwave Entrainment Lucid Dream Enhancer
◢ The brand-new erotic lucid desire songs track permits your subconscious to take you right into a sexual fantasy as it makes use of audio components to influence your dreams. Making use of binaural beats and isochronic tones that vary within the different phases of Sleep Cycles such as 4Hz to 16Hz, this will certainly permit your intimate fantasies to come to life in your dream reality. The initial stage will help you to gain deep leisure in both mind and body as you focus on your certain sexually boosting dreamscape. As you doze off into much deeper rest, the next number of Sleep stages are mostly for your body and mind's recharge as well as leisure. The last stage includes the audio elements that are essential elements into improving and also influencing your sex fantasizes, which also take advantage of the REM stage.
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#eroticluciddreaming #luciddreamsex #binauralbeatluciddream.
Then someone looks at your phone playing this video while you’re asleep?
I’m so high right now, listening to this music, & I read this comment & I just can’t stop laughing ? ?
And they go take a nap immediately with the same vid.. Just gotta see if it works..
Lol ?
-Played this.
-Tablet turned off 2 hours in.
-Headphones mysteriously disappeared, likely taken by parents.
-Dreamt of Five Nights at Freddy’s
Theres moaning at 2 hours ?
This makes me feel tingly in my happy place ?
Went to sleep for a Sexual dream. My dream was of me being raped. I woke up, only to realise I was actually being raped. 10/10 would listen again.
biggest mood i just died
Well, it’s not really rape if you enjoyed it. Hardcore sex then i suppose
how lovely
When I first heard of that word, I thought they were talking about being graped.
When you get no action in real life so you resort to this smh…. I need to reevaluate my life?
100% me xD
I tried it yesterday, no lucid dream, no wet dream but I slept deeply for 10 hours
when i dream im not in a lucid state but i feel the vibe of my dream while I’m sleeping and i wake up and just sit there just blown away by my dreams.
It worked for me it was awesome and I’m a sex addict so this for some reason slid into my reality and helped me not be so hyper sexual all day but the second night I tried this an add popped up or something and the video stopped 🙁 But ima try it again tonight thanks to who ever created this it’s helping me not in a spiritual way but with my sex cravings and my insatiable lust thank you
jordanon32s he what’s the difference?
Bieberwastaken u get ad free on each video u watch
Hey.bieberwastaken,pls tell me what did u do a to z,pls i want to see this too
We did not need to know that XD
Definitely doesn’t give me sex dreams. But it does make me dream about the things I want in my life. Its honestly kinda therapeutic.
Me: trying to fall asleep
Ad: *there’s really no better time then now to learn how to sing*
Why do you need a sex dream!?
Really…there’s no better time?
@That one guy because why not
That’s hilarious. Crying with laughter
This works no way, i have rarely sex related dreams, even tho im very sexual person, and i got very excited to try this, i really enjoyed the music too, and worked the first time for me, now i wanna listen to it every night?
Was it good?
I was playing this, perfectly fine, then I heard moaning and turned it off immediately because I was afraid my roommates would hear and got scared
@Graeme Dawe hes just fucking with us
@Graeme Dawe @2:04:58 loud and clear lol
Omg, so I’m not the only one who wants to have this kind of dream.
yes ur normal is a special sorta way lol
It worked! Last night’s dream was not lucid, but amazingly sharp and detailed, with the presence of three beautiful girls.
Full ghapaghap
id be happy listening to this with three beautiful girls,,
Minus the moaning, I actually kind of love the sounds of this track. It’s hard to find more moody minor key sleep stuff
Absolutely, this stuff chills me to my bone, it’s great! I fall asleep instantly every time
The throbbing pulse first put me well asleep. I realized that it’s matched with a lover’s thrust, especially when sped up. It’s also a tantric loop; connecting at least two- or orgasmic waves! ? ? ? ☯️ ? ⚠️
Is that so
I either have like horrific nightmares where I’m trapped or really nice dreams with this one… never anything in-between lol
Hahahha same ? only im always escaping from something
Aren’t the two the same thing?
Most of horrific dreams are about being chased by something ghastly ugh I wish I was aware so I can wake myself up, I wish you can pick your dreams lol
I decided to try this out the other night to see what might happen, especially since I rarely get into the dream state. Well, it woke me up at the 2 hours 45 minutes in because I heard someone having sex. Maybe I had it turned up a little too loud ? or maybe it should have been placed closer to the 6 or 7 hour mark when most people are in the r.e.m. dream state just before they wake. I’ll be giving this another try or two at different levels. ?
Is it fake?
@Delta I’m sure it’s a recording of someone. Maybe from a movie or something. ?
Youtube in there infinite wisdow as added a feature that will stop this sleep video after 1 hour to ask if you want to keep watching. This cant be removed – They have advised me, to advise you, that you can download this chrome extension to block the feature and allow you to play the entire video without the pause –
Thanks for Listening – If this music resonated with you, you might also enjoy “852hz Awakening Your Higher Mind
Also we have just released our first Art Collection using the artworks from our videos – These limited Edition NFTs can be seen here –
I was expecting to see in the comments on what others had said about experiences they had had while listening to this music. ?
If you press loop video it doesn’t pause.
@Francis I’ve never had this problem.